
The Giving Tree

Author: Shel Silverstein

Title: The Giving Tree

Illustrator: Shel Silverstein

Publisher: Harper & Row

Year: 1964

Format: Hardcover

Genre: Poetry

Reading Level: Beginner

Interest-Level: Elementary

Topics: Nature, Friendship, Growing Up, Helping others

Summary: A tree loves a little boy who tends to use the tree too much. Through the growth of the boy the tree helps him in many ways, each time with a full heart. Even when the tree has nothing left and is just a stump, which is all the boy needs.

Extension Activities:

*This is a great book to create a sock puppet to read with to the students. Any size sock would work, preferably a tube sock to create the illusion of the tree trunk. A brown sock is better; otherwise color the sock brown with a marker. Next cut out random small pieces of green construction paper, strips of brown, and small red circles. Glue the green pieces onto to the top of the sock to represent the leaves, the brown pieces on the sides for the trunk, and lastly glue the red pieces on over the leaves for the apples.

*After reading the book, discuss with children the importance of giving and helping others. Have them create their own giving tree on paper or sock puppet!