Author: Eric Carle
Title: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Illustrator: Eric Carle
Publisher: Philomel Books
Year: 1969 and 1987 (board book 1994)
Format: Board book
Genre: Picture Book
Reading Level: Assisted
Interest-Level: Pre-school
Topics: Insects, food, caterpillar life cycle, butterfly
Summary: A caterpillar hatches from its egg and begins a journey of eating and growing. After he eats through various fruits, junk food, and a “nice green leaf” he builds a cocoon around himself. And in this cocoon he sleeps and sleeps and eventually comes out as a beautiful butterfly.
Extension Activities:
-Create caterpillars with pom-poms and pipe cleaners.
-Print off pictures of the food the caterpillar eats in the story. Have the children color and cut the pictures out. Then as you read the story, the children string the phone on a piece of yarn as they hear what the caterpillar has eaten through.