
My Friend Rabbit

Author: - Eric Rohmann
Title: - My Friend Rabbit
Illustrator: - Eric Rohmann
Publisher: - Roaring Brook Press
Year: - 2002
Format: - Hard Cover


Genre: - Picturebook, Fiction
Reading Level: - Assisted, Emergent
Interest Level: - Preschool, Kindergarten
Topics: - Animals, Planes, Friends


Summary: - Mouse's friend Rabbit tends to bring destruction with him where ever he goes. One day Rabbit gets their toy plane stuck in a tree really high up. Rabbit comes up with a solution that is bringing all the animals together and stacking them one on top of the other until they could reach the plane. 


Extension Activities: - One idea is to hand out construction paper and other basic craft supplies, and have the kids recreate the story using what they have. Another idea is to set up the room to look like the setting in the story and bring in stuffed animals of all sizes. Then you could have them make a paper airplane and have them use their imagination to put themselves into the story.