
Hey, Al

Author: -Arthur Yorinks

Title: -Hey, Al

Illustrator: -Richard Egielski

Publisher: -Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Year: -1986

Format: -Hardcover

Genre: -Picture Book

Reading Level: -Assisted Reader

Interest Level: -Primary, Preschool

Topics: -Caldecott, birds, paradise

-In the story, Al lives a very ordinary life. He is best friends with his dog, who is constantly criticizing his lifestyle. One moringng, Al met a large bird who told him that he needed a change, that he should come with him. Al did as he was told and the bird appeared the next morning carrying him off to a beautiful paradise. They got fresh fruit and were friends with all the animals and said, "we could live like this forever." Until they started turning into birds, and they found out that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Extension Activities:
-Draw a picture of your paradise.
-If you could not have a job and just relax all the time, would you?
-What kind of bird would you want to be?