
Goodnight Moon

Picture Storybooks
Author: -Margaret Wise Brown

Title: - Good Night Moon
Illustrator: - Clement Hurd
Publisher: - Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.
Year: -1947

Format: -Hardcover
Genre: - Picture Book
Reading Level: -Assistant Reading
Interest Level: -Early Elementary

Topics: -Bedtime for the world. Quiet world. Settling down. Listing things found in a room.

Summary: - The book starts off by saying all of the objects in the great green room such as a telephone, red balloon, and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon and the three little bears. It goes on talking about the objects. Then its time to say goodnight to everything. It goes through all of the objects they listed before and says goodnight to them. As the book goes on the lights in the room in the pictures get dimmer.

Extension Activities: - Have to students list all of the things in their room they can think of.
Have them draw a picture of their favorite thing in their room.
Have them write a story of them going to bed and all of the things they say goodnight to.