Author: - none
Title: - Mother Goose: The Children's Classic Edition
Illustrator: - none
Publisher: - Running Press
Year: - 1997
Format: - eBook
Genre: - eBook, Mother Goose
Reading Level: - Any age
Interest Level: - Assisted Reader, Individual
Topics: - Rhyme, Mother Goose
Summary: - This is a collection of many Mother Goose rhymes under one cover. Some of the stories include: Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory Dock, and many more.
Extension Activities: - For this book you could have each student choose one story and create the setting in a shoe box. They would do this by cutting the top off of the shoe box, tilting it on its side, and designing everything inside the box. Another activity you could have them do with the rhyme they chose is to draw a picture storyline of what goes on in the story, in a timeline form.