Author: Robert Sabuda
Title: The Moveable Mother Goose
Illustrator: Robert Sabuda
Publisher: Original Publisher
Year: 1999
Genre: Mother Goose
Format: Hardcover
Reading Level: Independent
Interest level: Late elementary
Topics: mother goose, rhyme
Summary: A timeless collection of stories using pop-up. In this book, Robert Sabuda, uses intricate pop-up pictures to liven up some of the most well known nursery rhymes. Sabuda takes the typical nursery rhyme characters and puts a little twist on them. For example the cow jumping over the moon, he has a grasshopper do it. This is a great story that children of all ages will enjoy!
Extension Activity: Give the students each a different nursery rhyme, and like Rovert Sabuda did, have them make changes to them to make the story their own.