Author: David Wiesner
Title: Sector 7
Illustrator: David Wiesner
Publisher: Clarion Books
Year: 1999
Format: Hardcover
Genre: Picture Book (no text)
Reading Level: Emergent
Interest-Level: Elementary
Topics: Clouds, Empire State Building, Stories without words
Summary: A class takes a fieldtrip to the Empire State Building, and while there a boy meets a cloud. At first he is unsure of this cloud and how he could be talking to him but the cloud reassures him by showing him he can make it snow and how he can turn himself into different things like a chair for example. The cloud then takes him to Sector 7: the Cloud Dispatch Center. At Sector 7 the boy learns all about different clouds and how they are made.
Extension Activities:
*Take the students on a mini fieldtrip outside and have them observe the clouds. Then let them create their own cloud on a construction paper by gluing cotton balls onto the paper. Give them some googley eyes for their clouds and glitter glue to trace the outline. Once they are dry, have the students cut out their clouds and punch a hole through the top. String a piece of yarn through the hole and make a loop. Hang the clouds from the ceiling.
*Before reading the book, ask the students what they think a wordless book is. How does a wordless book tell a story? What clues can we use to understand what story the author is telling? Encourage the students to be specific with their response.