Author: Mother Goose
Title: My Best Book of Rhymes: Monday’s Child
Illustrator: Janet Anne Grahame Johnstone
Publisher: An Award Book
Year: 1984
Format: eBook
Genre: Mother Goose
Reading Level: Beginner, Assisted
Interest-Level: Pre-School, Elementary
Topics: Children, Days of the Week
Summary: This Mother Goose nursery rhyme talks about the days of the week. On each day it shows a child and what that child represents. “Monday’s child is fair of face…”
Extension Activities:
*Make blank calendars of Monday-Friday and have the children fill in the days of the week in order. Ask them what their favorite day of the week is and promote discussion.
*Give the children a booklet of 7 pages – one for each day of the week and have the days printed at the top of each page. Let them color a picture on each day; what they think Monday represents, or Tuesday and so on.