Title: 50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet
Author: Dennis Denenberg and Lorraine Roscoe
Illustrator: None
Publisher: Lerner Publications
Year Published: 2005
Format: Paperback
Genre: Biographies
Reading Level: Self-Reader
Reading Interest Level: Upper Elementary- Middle School
Topics: Great Achievements, Important People, Racism, Presidents
Summary: This book focuses on the important people in our American History; ranging from those who helped stopped racism to our very influential presidents over the years. This book gives kids all the basic facts through America’s time about those important leaders that helped shape the country we all live in today.
Extension Activity: Since this deals with the influential people throughout Americas years; I would have the kids pick one of the people they found to be most interesting in the book and then write their own, more in depth biography on the person. They can use the information they found in the book as a guideline to their own biographies they will write.