
The Elephant and the Rainbow

Author: Keith Faulkner
Title: The Elephant and the Rainbow
Illustrator: Jonathan Lambert
Publisher: Longmeadow Press
Year: 1991
Genre: Easy to read
Format: Hardcover

Reading Level: Assisted, emergent reader
Interest level: Pre-k, early elementary
Topics: animals, colors, jungle, elephant

Summary: A young elephant is sad about her grey color. She goes on a walk around the jungle looking at all of the other animals' nice, bright colors that they wear and she wishes she could be like them. Far away she saw a rainbow and traveled until she stood in its colored light. "At least I'm bright while I stand here," she said sadly as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her friends soon came around her and they told her that they love her for the way that she is. She learned that it's not the way you look, but how you feel inside.

Extension Activity: Have the children make a list of things they like about everyone in the class. Such as what they're good at, what a good friend they are, how they helped someone sometime, maybe a picture.