Title: Holes
Author: Louis Sachar
Illustrator: None
Publisher: Yearling
Year Published: 2000
Format: Hardcover, Paperback, Audio Book
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Reading Level: Self-Reader
Reading Interest Level: Upper Elementary- Middle School
Topics: Decisions, Adventure, Overcoming adversity
Summary: Stanly Yearling always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; an incident just like this lands him in Camp Green Lake; a juvinile detention center. While here he digs holes, lots and lots of holes; but why? What is the warden looking for in the dried up lake? Something very specific; throughout this book, Stanley overcomes great adversity and the plot becomes thick with irony leading up to a very climatic ending.
Extension Activity: Since this book deals with holes and digging, I would have the kids all help in planting a tree in the school -yard; each student would get a chance to dig and participate in making the hole. The tree could serve as our “Treasure” just as the chest did for the warden in the book.