
Jack and the Night Visitors

Author: Pat Schories
Title: Jack and the Night Visitors
Illustrator: Pat Schories
Publisher: Front Street
Year: 2006
Genre: No text picture book
Format: Hardcover

Reading Level: Emergent
Interest level: Pre-K
Topics: dogs, aliens, robots, boy, night

Summary: Looking out the window one night, a boy and his dog find that they have visitors. Little tiny robot aliens emerge from a bus and tell the boy they are hungry. The boy gets them some cereal. The little boy doesn't want them to leave so he traps an alien in a jar while others escape. In the end, the dog helps the little alien escape.

Extension Activity: Have the kids make up their own version of the book. Have them wake up to something outside their window. What is it? What do they do? What's the problem? How is it fixed? Have them draw a picture of their own alien and color it.