Title: The Random House Of Poetry For Children
Author: Jack Prelutsky
Illustrator: Arnold Lovel
Publisher: Random House
Year Published: 1983
Format: Hardcover, Paperback
Genre: Poetry
Reading Level: Assisted Reader-Self-Reader
Reading Interest Level: Elementary- Middle School
Topics: Poetry (wide variety of topics)
Summary: This book contains the poems ranging from a wide variety of poets; including that of Emily Dickenson and Shel Silverstein. This book contains a wide variety of poems ranging form very serious to the humorous; this is a great book to introduce children to poetry.
Extension Activity: Since this book deals with such a wide variety of poets, I would have each student pick a poet included in the book and study their poems and understand their writing strategies; then I would have them write a poem of their own reflecting those writing styles of the poet they chose.