Author: NIkki Giovanni
Title: Rosa
Illustrator: Brian Collier
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Year: 2005
Genre: Nonfiction
Format: Hardcover
Reading Level: Assisted, emergent reader
Interest level: Pre-k, early elementary
Topics: civil rights movement, Rosa Parks, resistance,
Summary: This book begins with telling about the Civil Rights Movement. It talks of Rosa Parks' amazing and heroic qualities. The story then moves to when Rosa refuses to give up her seat on the bus and is arrested. While she is arrested and in jail, the book turns, again, to inform about the Women's Political Caucus and their role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. While telling the story of Rosa Parks' life, the book continuously breaks away to talk of different events that took place throughout the entire Civil Rights Movement.
Extension Activity: Teach the older children about the Civil Rights Movement and how African American's were affected by it. Ask them what they would to do make change happen. Teach them about the different events that happened like the March on Washington and the Bus Boycotts. Have them learn about different influential people involved in the movement like Martin Luther King Jr.