Title: -The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
Illustrator: Lane Smith
Publisher: Puffin
Year: -1989
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Mother Goose
Illustrator: Lane Smith
Publisher: Puffin
Year: -1989
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Mother Goose
Reading Level: - Assisted Reader
Interest Level: - Baby-Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Repetition, Pigs
Summary:This book is a funny twist on the original story of the Three Little Pigs. Alexander T. Wolf, Al wants to tell his side of the story. He has no idea how he was labeled as the big bad wolf. The real story, he says, is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar. Al was making a cake for his granny and he ran out of sugar. So he went down the street to borrow a cup from his neighbor down the street. And since the house was make of straw the door fell right in, so he called for someone and no one came. He walked in and right as he got in he sneezed a great sneeze. After the house settled right in the middle of all the hay laid a dead pig, he didn't want to waste a perfectly good dinner so he ate it right up. Next he went to the next pigs house he asked to come in but the pig said go away. He grabbed the door knob and could feel another sneeze coming on, and as soon as he knew it he blew the house down. As the dust cleared he saw the pig, dead, so he didn't want to waste it so he ate it right up. The next house is a very sturdy house so the wolf is not worried. He goes up to the door and politely asks for sugar and the pig rudely tells him to go away. He is so rude he insults Al's granny. He can't take any more impoliteness anymore, so he gets very angry. At that moment the cops come, and now it is history.
Interest Level: - Baby-Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Repetition, Pigs
Summary:This book is a funny twist on the original story of the Three Little Pigs. Alexander T. Wolf, Al wants to tell his side of the story. He has no idea how he was labeled as the big bad wolf. The real story, he says, is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar. Al was making a cake for his granny and he ran out of sugar. So he went down the street to borrow a cup from his neighbor down the street. And since the house was make of straw the door fell right in, so he called for someone and no one came. He walked in and right as he got in he sneezed a great sneeze. After the house settled right in the middle of all the hay laid a dead pig, he didn't want to waste a perfectly good dinner so he ate it right up. Next he went to the next pigs house he asked to come in but the pig said go away. He grabbed the door knob and could feel another sneeze coming on, and as soon as he knew it he blew the house down. As the dust cleared he saw the pig, dead, so he didn't want to waste it so he ate it right up. The next house is a very sturdy house so the wolf is not worried. He goes up to the door and politely asks for sugar and the pig rudely tells him to go away. He is so rude he insults Al's granny. He can't take any more impoliteness anymore, so he gets very angry. At that moment the cops come, and now it is history.
Extension Activities:
After reading The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, we can also read the original Three Little Pigs then compare the two stories. Brainstorm some things that happened in the Three Little Pigs story that did not happen in the True Story.
After reading The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, we can also read the original Three Little Pigs then compare the two stories. Brainstorm some things that happened in the Three Little Pigs story that did not happen in the True Story.