

Author: - Kristine O’Connell George

Title: - BOOK!
Illustrator: -
Maggie Smith
Publisher: -
Clarion Books
Year: - 2001

Format: - Board Book
Genre: -
Toy Board Book
Reading Level: - Assisted, Emergent
Interest Level: - Pre-K

Topics: - Books, reading

A little boy receives a book as a gift. He goes on to explain the different things he can do with his book, such as turn the pages, put it on a shelf, read it to the baby, read it with an adult before nap time, and wear it as a hat. The illustrations are simple yet engaging, with bold colors and smooth patterns.

Extension Activity: - Students will create their own book about what they like most about their favorite books. This can be tailored to fit any age group. For younger ages, students will be able to draw their favorite book and show what they like to do most with it. With middle ages, students will be able to explain what they like most about their favorite book, such as the characters, the story itself, or the person they received it from. With older ages, students will be able to analyze the different aspects that they appreciate about their favorite book, such as the way the plot is developed, the character development, and the catharsis of the story.