Author: Ellen Levine
Title: Henry's Freedom Box: True Story from the Underground Railroad
Illustrator: Kadir Nelson
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Year: 2008
Genre: Nonfiction
Format: Hardcover
Reading Level: Assisted, emergent reader
Interest level: Pre-k, early elementary
Topics: slavery, freedom, escape, sadness, family, work
Summary: Henry is a young slave boy living on a plantation. When his master dies he is separated from his mother. He is sold to a master who owns a tobacco factory. Henry ends up having his own family who are eventually sold away from him. After that he begins to form his plan to escape to freedom.
Extension Activity: Discuss the Underground Railroad and the rights the slaves weren't permitted. Have the kids discuss the living conditions of slaves and talk about what it would be like to live the way they do, working every day.