Title: - Ceremony--In the Circle of Life
Illustrator: - Daniel San Souci
Publisher: - Raintree Publishers Inc.
Year: - 1983
Format: - Hardcover
Genre: - Multicultural Fiction
Reading Level: - Assisted
Interest Level: - Middle to Late Elementary
Topics: - Native American Traditions and Beliefs, Mother Nature, preservation of the environment
Summary: - A Native American boy, Little Turtle, who lives in the city is visited in a vision by Star Spirit. Star Spirit takes Little Turtle on a trip into nature to discover the sacred symbol of the Circle of Life. Through interaction with animals, the earth, and the seasons, Little Turtle learns what it means to be connected with all of nature and the earth and the importance of protecting the environment.
Illustrator: - Daniel San Souci
Publisher: - Raintree Publishers Inc.
Year: - 1983
Format: - Hardcover
Genre: - Multicultural Fiction
Reading Level: - Assisted
Interest Level: - Middle to Late Elementary
Topics: - Native American Traditions and Beliefs, Mother Nature, preservation of the environment
Summary: - A Native American boy, Little Turtle, who lives in the city is visited in a vision by Star Spirit. Star Spirit takes Little Turtle on a trip into nature to discover the sacred symbol of the Circle of Life. Through interaction with animals, the earth, and the seasons, Little Turtle learns what it means to be connected with all of nature and the earth and the importance of protecting the environment.
Extension Activities: -
--Students will compare and contrast the Native American beliefs illustrated in this book with other common beliefs about the environment found in secular culture and other religions.
--Students will discuss the impacts that humans have had on the environment, both positive and negative. Then, students will brainstorm ways that they can help preserve the environment in their own communities.
--Students will compare and contrast the Native American beliefs illustrated in this book with other common beliefs about the environment found in secular culture and other religions.
--Students will discuss the impacts that humans have had on the environment, both positive and negative. Then, students will brainstorm ways that they can help preserve the environment in their own communities.