
First the Egg

Author: Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Title: First the Egg
Illustrator: Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Publisher: Roaring Book Press
Year: 2007
Genre: Caldecott
Format: Hardcover

Reading Level: Assisted, emergent reader
Interest level: Pre-k, early elementary
Topics: nature, animals, pictures

Summary: The books starts with "first the egg, then the chicken." It continues with going through different things found in nature such as frogs, flowers and a butterfly. It then turns away from nature and goes on to say "first the word, then the story" and "first the paint, then the picture." The picture in the end ties together all ideas presented in the beginning in a painting.

Extension Activity: Have the children come up with their own "first the... then the...." and have them draw a picture to accompany their sentence. Make a big book out of the entire class's sentences.