
Good Night, Gorilla

Author: -Peggy Rathmann

Title: Good Night, Gorilla
Illustrator: Peggy Rathmann
Putnam Juvenile

Year: -1994

Format: Softcover
Genre: - Picture Book

Interest Level: Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Imagination

Summary: This book has very few words. All it says is Good Night. So children can add their own words to make the story their own.  This book is about a zoo keeper that says good night to all the animals in the zoo. He first says good night to Gorilla.  But then Gorilla takes the zoo keepers key and lets himself out.  As the zoo keeper says good night to all the animals, Gorilla lets them out.  The zoo keeper goes home and is unaware that all the animals are following him.  All the animals slowly hide and get ready for bed. The zoo keeper and his wife have no idea that there are lots of animals in their room because they are so tired.  So when the zoo keeper's wife tells the zoo keeper good night all the animals say goodnight and she wakes up and is shocked! So she brings all the animals back to the zoo and says Good Night zoo. When she gets back in bed she says good night dear.  And in between the zoo keeper ad his wife is a gorilla sleeping.
Extension Activities:
We will make a class zoo.  By using clay all the children can make animals that are in the book like Gorilla, Lion, Elephant, Hyena, Giraffe, and Armadillo. They kids will make them out of clay and then paint them when they are cooked.  We can reenact the story and make a class zoo!