Title: -The Mitten
Illustrator: Jan Brett
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Year: -1989
Format: Softcover
Genre: - Picture Story Book
Illustrator: Jan Brett
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Year: -1989
Format: Softcover
Genre: - Picture Story Book
Reading Level: - Beginning Reader
Interest Level: - Elementary School
Topics: -Picture, Snow
Summary: Nicki really wanted new mittens as white as snow. His grandmother told him that if he dropped one he would never find it in the snow, but she still made them. So Nicki went outside to play. It wasn't long until Nicki drops his white mitten in the snow; he goes on without realizing that it is missing. One by one, woodland animals find it and crawl in. First, a curious mole, then a rabbit, a hedgehog, an owl, a badger, a fox, a bear and finally a little mouse crawl all in. The children will love the anticipation of what will happen to the little mitten that all these large and small animals try to fit in. This book is very interesting because the readers can see Nicki in the border of each page walking through the woods unaware of what is going on.
Interest Level: - Elementary School
Topics: -Picture, Snow
Summary: Nicki really wanted new mittens as white as snow. His grandmother told him that if he dropped one he would never find it in the snow, but she still made them. So Nicki went outside to play. It wasn't long until Nicki drops his white mitten in the snow; he goes on without realizing that it is missing. One by one, woodland animals find it and crawl in. First, a curious mole, then a rabbit, a hedgehog, an owl, a badger, a fox, a bear and finally a little mouse crawl all in. The children will love the anticipation of what will happen to the little mitten that all these large and small animals try to fit in. This book is very interesting because the readers can see Nicki in the border of each page walking through the woods unaware of what is going on.
Extension Activities:
The children can make their own mittens. By using construction paper the children can cut out four sets of mittens, two for one mitten and two for another. Then using string they can sew them together.
The children can make their own mittens. By using construction paper the children can cut out four sets of mittens, two for one mitten and two for another. Then using string they can sew them together.