Title: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Illustrator: Eric Carle
Publisher: Philomel
Year: -1987
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Picture Story Book
Illustrator: Eric Carle
Publisher: Philomel
Year: -1987
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Picture Story Book
Reading Level: - Assisted Reader
Interest Level: - Preschool-Elementary
Topics: -Picture, Caterpillar, Butterfly
Summary: There is a very tiny caterpillar that pops out of the egg and is very hungry. So he goes in search of food. He eats everything from apples, pears, plums, strawberries, oranges and junk food like lollypops, pie, cupcakes, cheese and salami just to name a few. His tummy hurts from all the junk food he ate so he eats a leaf to make his tummy feel better. After eating all that food he wasn't hungry anymore and defiantly was not little. He had grown into a big fat caterpillar. SO he make a cocoon to take a very long nap in for two weeks. Once he came out he was a beautiful butterfly.
Interest Level: - Preschool-Elementary
Topics: -Picture, Caterpillar, Butterfly
Summary: There is a very tiny caterpillar that pops out of the egg and is very hungry. So he goes in search of food. He eats everything from apples, pears, plums, strawberries, oranges and junk food like lollypops, pie, cupcakes, cheese and salami just to name a few. His tummy hurts from all the junk food he ate so he eats a leaf to make his tummy feel better. After eating all that food he wasn't hungry anymore and defiantly was not little. He had grown into a big fat caterpillar. SO he make a cocoon to take a very long nap in for two weeks. Once he came out he was a beautiful butterfly.
Extension Activities:
The children will make a leaf by cutting a paper plate in half and over lapping them to create a leaf shape. Next they will sponge pain the leaf so that it looks like an actual leaf. After that they will take a pipe cleaner and thread it through pompom balls to make a caterpillar. Then they will mold it into a funky shape so it looks like the caterpillar is squirming across the page. The children will then glue the caterpillar down and then use a while puncher to look like the caterpillar has eaten the leaf.
The children will make a leaf by cutting a paper plate in half and over lapping them to create a leaf shape. Next they will sponge pain the leaf so that it looks like an actual leaf. After that they will take a pipe cleaner and thread it through pompom balls to make a caterpillar. Then they will mold it into a funky shape so it looks like the caterpillar is squirming across the page. The children will then glue the caterpillar down and then use a while puncher to look like the caterpillar has eaten the leaf.