Title: -Never Take a Pig to Lunch
Illustrator: Nadine Bernard Westcott
Publisher: Orchard Books
Year: -1994
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Poetry
Illustrator: Nadine Bernard Westcott
Publisher: Orchard Books
Year: -1994
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Poetry
Reading Level: - Beginning Reader
Interest Level: - Elementary
Topics: -Picture, Poetry, Eating
Summary: Never Take a Pig to Lunch is a set of about 60 poems. They are all about things that children like to eat and what they don't. They all have fun illustrations that help the children make the poem a real story. The table of contents divides the book into fun categories that children will love. The categories are about eating silly things, eating foods we like, eating too much and manners at the table. It is a fun book that children want to read!
Interest Level: - Elementary
Topics: -Picture, Poetry, Eating
Summary: Never Take a Pig to Lunch is a set of about 60 poems. They are all about things that children like to eat and what they don't. They all have fun illustrations that help the children make the poem a real story. The table of contents divides the book into fun categories that children will love. The categories are about eating silly things, eating foods we like, eating too much and manners at the table. It is a fun book that children want to read!
Extension Activities:
Have the children write their own poems about eating and their favorite foods. Have them draw pictures and put them in a classroom book for everyone to read the whole classes poems.
Have the children write their own poems about eating and their favorite foods. Have them draw pictures and put them in a classroom book for everyone to read the whole classes poems.