Title: -The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters
Illustrator: Janet and Allan Ahlberg
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Year: -1986
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Toy Books
Illustrator: Janet and Allan Ahlberg
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Year: -1986
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Toy Books
Reading Level: - Assisted Reader
Interest Level: - Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Toy, Rhyming
Summary: This book is about a mail man that delivers letters to different fairy tale characters. He gives letters to Mr. and Mrs. Bear for Goldilocks saying how sorry she is for coming in their house. Next he goes to a ginger bread cottage where the Wicked Witch lives. It is a catalog for potions and supplies that every witch needs. Then he goes to the Giants door and gives him a letter for Jack. After that he bikes over to Cinderella's castle to giver her a little book. Next he goes to Grandma's cottage where the Big Bad Wolf lives. He gets a letter that tells him that Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs are suing him. Finally he ends up at Goldilocks birthday party where he gives her a birthday card. After the party the Jolly Postman goes home. This book is a great rhyming and reading book for children. There are specific letters that go along with the story that make this book unforgettable.
Interest Level: - Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Toy, Rhyming
Summary: This book is about a mail man that delivers letters to different fairy tale characters. He gives letters to Mr. and Mrs. Bear for Goldilocks saying how sorry she is for coming in their house. Next he goes to a ginger bread cottage where the Wicked Witch lives. It is a catalog for potions and supplies that every witch needs. Then he goes to the Giants door and gives him a letter for Jack. After that he bikes over to Cinderella's castle to giver her a little book. Next he goes to Grandma's cottage where the Big Bad Wolf lives. He gets a letter that tells him that Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs are suing him. Finally he ends up at Goldilocks birthday party where he gives her a birthday card. After the party the Jolly Postman goes home. This book is a great rhyming and reading book for children. There are specific letters that go along with the story that make this book unforgettable.
Extension Activities:
The kids would get a big round circle that looked like a pizza and they could cut out construction paper to put their favorite toppings on their pizza.
The kids would get a big round circle that looked like a pizza and they could cut out construction paper to put their favorite toppings on their pizza.