Title: -The Jungle Book
Illustrator: Matthew Reinhart
Publisher: Little Simon
Year: -2006
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Toy Book
Illustrator: Matthew Reinhart
Publisher: Little Simon
Year: -2006
Format: Hardcover
Genre: - Toy Book
Reading Level: - Assisted Reader
Interest Level: - Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Jungle
Summary: Mowgle the man cub is raised by wolves. He grows up and starts exploring the Ruins of the Lost City, riding atop thundering elephants and facing a fierce tiger attack. This pop-up book is something that your children will never forget. The book comes to life with the amazing pop-ups and illustrations. Every page has a huge pop-up then they have little pages on the bottom that the children can turn which also has pop-ups. This book is incredible and it will be something that the children will want to read over and over.
Interest Level: - Preschool
Topics: -Picture, Jungle
Summary: Mowgle the man cub is raised by wolves. He grows up and starts exploring the Ruins of the Lost City, riding atop thundering elephants and facing a fierce tiger attack. This pop-up book is something that your children will never forget. The book comes to life with the amazing pop-ups and illustrations. Every page has a huge pop-up then they have little pages on the bottom that the children can turn which also has pop-ups. This book is incredible and it will be something that the children will want to read over and over.
Extension Activities:
Have the children make their own jungle. With tigers, elephants, monkeys, snakes, wolves. etc. We will use construction paper to create a jungle. We will put all the animals up on the bulletin board.
Have the children make their own jungle. With tigers, elephants, monkeys, snakes, wolves. etc. We will use construction paper to create a jungle. We will put all the animals up on the bulletin board.