Author: - My Little Brother
Title: - David McPhail
Illustrator: - John O'Connor
Publisher: - Hacourt Inc.
Year: - 2004
Format: - Hard Cover
Genre: - Picture Storybook
Reading Level: - First, Second or Third Grade
Interest Level: - Emergent, Individual
Topics: - Brothers, Love, Hate
Summary: - The story is written in the perspective of the older brother. He starts off by talking about the things that bother him about his little brother. But as the story goes on the older brother warms up and talks about what he loves about him. This book teaches children to learn to love people for who they are. It also teaches about how siblings are important and being the older sibling, how the younger siblings look up to you.
Extension Activities: - Have the students write about their siblings. They could write about stuff they don't like that their siblings do, and also what they do like about their siblings. Another thing you could have the students do is write a letter to their siblings telling them what they appreciate about them.