
My Big Golden Counting Book

Author: Lilian Moore
Title: My Big Golden Counting Book
Illustrator: Garth Williams
Publisher: Golden Press
Year: 1957
Genre: Counting book
Format: Hardcover
Reading level: Early Elementary-possible assistance needed
Interest level: Elementary
Topics: counting, animals, numbers, counting book
Summary: This is a simple book for childen to read. There is a little bit of rhyming that goes along and helps move the reading along. It has many different animals in it so not only will it help with counting but children will begin to recognize different animals as well.
Extension Activity: For this extension activity, the students will write down how old they are and then decide what their favorite animal is and they are to draw that many of their favorite animal. For example, I am 19 and my favorite animal is a dog so I would need to draw 19 dogs.