Title: -Pocahontas: Powhatan Princess
Publisher: -The Rosen Publishing Group
Year: -1997
Format: -Hardcover Book
Genre: -Biography
Reading Level: -Emergent Reader
Interest Level: -Middle Elementary School
Topics: -Pocahontas, Powhatan, Tribe, Indian
Summary: -This somewhat short book does a good job of listing the facts and there are many of them. It talks about Pocahontas, John Smith, the captives, and the rescuers and much, much more. It talks about going off to England and how the story of Pocahontas will go on forever even though she has passed.
Publisher: -The Rosen Publishing Group
Year: -1997
Format: -Hardcover Book
Genre: -Biography
Reading Level: -Emergent Reader
Interest Level: -Middle Elementary School
Topics: -Pocahontas, Powhatan, Tribe, Indian
Summary: -This somewhat short book does a good job of listing the facts and there are many of them. It talks about Pocahontas, John Smith, the captives, and the rescuers and much, much more. It talks about going off to England and how the story of Pocahontas will go on forever even though she has passed.
Extension Activities:
-How many of the children have watched the movie Pocahontas? Have those who have write a page on the comparisons and contrasts between this biography and the movie. If they did not watch the movie, write a page on what you learned from the book.
-What do you picture Pocahontas like? Draw a picture and write your favorite part that you learned from the book.
-Who is your favorite character you learned about: Pocahontas, John Smith, or John Rolfe? Pick one and write a summary on what you learned about them.