Author- Rachel Field
Title- Prayer for A Child
Illustrator- Elizabeth Orton Jones
Genre- Caldecott
Format- Hardcover
Publisher- Macnillan Publishing Company
Reading Level- Early Elementary-assisted
Interest Level- Elementary
Topics- Caldecott, Religion
Summary- This book is great religion book. On each page the author blesses something. They bless families, houses, specific things in houses and so on. At the beginning of the book there is a long prayer you can do with the child. This is a great book because you can read it to the children and they will be able to look and the pictures and comprehend everything really well.
Extension Activity- This is not a book that should be used in a public school. If you wanted you could do the prayer outloud with the child/children. You could also have the children tell you something they "bless" and talk about being thankful.