
Staying with Grandma

Author: - Eileen Roe

Title: - Staying with Grandma

Illustrator: - Jacqueline Rogers

Publisher: - Bradbury Press

Year: - 1989

Format: - Hard Cover

Genre: - Picture Storybook

Reading Level: - First or Second Grade

Interest Level: - Assisted Reader, Emergent

Topics: - Grandmothers, Family, Childhood Activities

Summary: - This book is a simple story of a girl staying at her grandmother's house. She tells us all of the fun things she gets to do with her grandma when she stays there. Some of these activities include helping her grandma with hanging the laundry, catching frogs, taking a walk to watch the sunset, and eating peach jam on toast in the morning. The book end us with an illustration of the grandmother holding the granddaughter one last time before she leaves with her parents to go back home. This story really teaches children to love their family because of all the little things you get to do with them when you're with them.

Extension Activities: - Something you could do is ask the children about their grandparents and have them write a little story about what they do with them when they see them. If the student doesn't have any grandparents in their lives, have them write about any family member of their choice. Another activity you could have them do is draw a picture of their grandparents (or family member) and write things on the picture that makes them special to the student.