Author: Doreen Cronin
Title: Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type
Illustrator: Betsy Lewin
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
Year: 2000
Genre: Caldecott
Format: Hardcover
Reading Level: Transitional
Interest Level: Elementary
Topics: Farm animals, fiction- animals that type
Summary: This book is about a farmer who experiences a strange problem on his farm. His cows and chickens can type. They type him letters about different things they want for themselves, and send their letters to the farmer. The farmer thinks the letters are silly and does not follow through and give the farm animals what they want. The animals feel very upset and type to the farmer. They tell him that they are not going to give him milk or eggs if he does not give them what they want. The farmer agrees to give them what they want ,and all the farm animals are happy in the end. This book will make children laugh out loud and they will want to keep reading to see what happens next. The pictures in the book are spectacular with the "water color paint look" on each page. The book is set up perfectly for children.
Extension Activity: Have the children create cows and chickens out of paper plates. Teacher would supply paper plates for the heads of either the chicken or the cow. The teacher would also supply paint, construction paper, glue and markers. All the pieces of the animals body parts would already be cut out- for ex: the ears, eyes, nose, so the kids could just glue everything together. This would make the activity not so time consuming. The kids can add whatever they would like to either their cow or chicken to make it their own. Teacher would hang every one's final projects up on a board labeled, "Farm Animals." The kids could view every one's work of art.