Title: - My Five Senses
Illustrator: - Aliki Brandenberg
Publisher: - Thomas Y. Crowell
Year: -1962
Format: - Hardcover
Genre: - Concept book
Reading Level: - Assisted, Emergent
Interest Level: - Preschool
Topics: - senses, being aware
Summary: - This book describes all five senses through simple words and clear illustrations. It first introduces the different senses then proceeds to show examples of how each sense is used in everyday life. The book concludes with explaining why senses are a vital part of being aware.
Illustrator: - Aliki Brandenberg
Publisher: - Thomas Y. Crowell
Year: -1962
Format: - Hardcover
Genre: - Concept book
Reading Level: - Assisted, Emergent
Interest Level: - Preschool
Topics: - senses, being aware
Summary: - This book describes all five senses through simple words and clear illustrations. It first introduces the different senses then proceeds to show examples of how each sense is used in everyday life. The book concludes with explaining why senses are a vital part of being aware.
Extension Activities: -
--The teacher will provide different objects in bags which can be "experienced" without the use of sight. Students will be split into 4 groups, and each group will be assigned one of the three senses of hearing, smelling, and feeling (tasting could be added depending on the objects used in the bags.) The bags with the various objects will rotate between the groups. Each group must try to figure out what the objects in the bags are using only their assigned sense. At the end of the activity, the class can combine all the observations they made to come up with a conclusive decision. Discussion can focus on the advantage that comes from using multiple senses.
--The teacher will provide different objects in bags which can be "experienced" without the use of sight. Students will be split into 4 groups, and each group will be assigned one of the three senses of hearing, smelling, and feeling (tasting could be added depending on the objects used in the bags.) The bags with the various objects will rotate between the groups. Each group must try to figure out what the objects in the bags are using only their assigned sense. At the end of the activity, the class can combine all the observations they made to come up with a conclusive decision. Discussion can focus on the advantage that comes from using multiple senses.