Author- Matt Mitter
Title- ABC Alphabet Rhymes
Illustrater- Doug Cushman
Genre- Easy to Read
Summary- This book is an ABC book. A wildcats favorite bedtime story is an alpgabetical symphony of words. On each page there is a letter and a word that starts with that letter such as B is for a bunch of bells that bing and bang and bong. There are also pictures that go along with the sentences.
Extension Activity- Have the students come up with words that start with each letter of their name. You could also have different letters and show a random one to the class. The first person to tell you the letter gets one point. The person with the most points at the end gets a special treat.
Title- ABC Alphabet Rhymes
Illustrater- Doug Cushman
Genre- Easy to Read
Format- hardcover
Publisher- Gareth Stevens Publishing
Reading Level- Assisted early Elementary or late
Interest Level- Elementary
Topics- ABC
Reading Level- Assisted early Elementary or late
Interest Level- Elementary
Topics- ABC
Summary- This book is an ABC book. A wildcats favorite bedtime story is an alpgabetical symphony of words. On each page there is a letter and a word that starts with that letter such as B is for a bunch of bells that bing and bang and bong. There are also pictures that go along with the sentences.
Extension Activity- Have the students come up with words that start with each letter of their name. You could also have different letters and show a random one to the class. The first person to tell you the letter gets one point. The person with the most points at the end gets a special treat.