Author: Mary Howitt
Title: The Spider and the Fly
Illustrator: Tony Diterlizzi
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Year: 1829
Genre: Caldecott
Format: Hardcover
Reading level: Transitional
Interest level: Elementary
Topics: Spooky, Halloween theme
Summary: This book is about a spider who lures a young fly into his parlor. He uses flattering words to do this. He tells the fly she is gauzy wings and brilliant eyes. The fly falls for the spider's kind words and enters his parlor. This book is scary and the colors betray that eerie mood. The colors are only of black and white. The ending is not so good, leaving the young girl fly dead and the spider alive in his parlor! This book teaches children to not always believe the nice words a person might say because the intentions behind those words may not be good.
Extension Activity: Have children create their very own spider web using black paper, silver sparkles, and glue. They can create a spider to put in their web out of black pipe cleaners and googly eyes. This would be a great Halloween project.