Title: I Spy Two Eyes: Numbers In Art
Author: Lucy Micklethwait
Illustrator: Pam Caroll
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Year Published: 1998
Format: Paperback
Genre: Counting Books
Reading Level: Assisted Reader/ Self-Reader
Reading Interest Level: Elementary/ Middle School
Topics: Counting, finding objects
Summary: This books enables kids to count their way through modern art. By identifying objects found in a variety of famous paintings; this also allows kids to further their knowledge with numbers. By having kids find a certain number of objects within a page, they see it as a challenge and really enjoy trying to complete the tasks.
Extension Activity: Since this book deals with counting and modern paintings; I would have the kids make their own drawing with a certain number of hidden objects. As a class, we would then line up all of the drawings and go around the room and try to find the hidden objects within the students drawings.