Author- Alice McGill
Title- Molly Bannaky;
Illustrator- Chris K. Soentpiet
Genre- Assistend
Format- Hardcover
Publisher- Orchard Books
Reading Level- Late Elementary-assisted
Interest Level- Late Elementary
Topics- History, Black History Month, immigration
Summary- This book is a girl named Molly. She was a young girl working on a warm. Every morning she got up and pulled the udders of a cow for milk. When she spilt it she was brought before the court but because she could read the bible she got out of punishment. She was sent to England for 7 years and after she was set free. Molly started her own land and eventually got a slave worker to help her. They ended up falling in love and getting married and had children!
Extension Activity-You could have the children act out plays like follow the drinking gourd. You could also have them do research on one black male or female who has impacted society. There are many ways you could use this book, just depends on the age group.