Author- Patricia MacLACHLAN
Title- Sarah, Plain and Tall
Illustrater- None
Year- 1985
Year- 1985
Genre- Chapter Book
Format- Soft cover
Publisher- HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
Publisher- HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
Reading Level- Middle/Late Elementary
Interest Level-Elementary
Interest Level-Elementary
Topics- Older times, western
Summary- This book is about a family whose mother dies. The children Caleb and Anna miss their mother and always talk ahout her singing. One day, their father asks how they would feel if they found a new mother. He puts and ad in the paper looking for someone who would be fit for their family. Sarah is the women who replies to the ad. She comes and stays with them for the summer and begins to do things on the farm. The kids love her and she ends up deciding to stay with them. Papa and Sarah get married.
Extension Activity- Since this book is primarily for older students you could have them write their own stories about their family. They could draw illustrations to go along with their book. You could then hang them up around the Classroom.