Title: Gone Wild
Illustrator: David McLimans
Publisher: Walker & Company
Year: 2006
Format: Hardcover
Genre: ABC Book
Reading Level: Emergent, Early
Interest-Level: Elementary
Topics: ABC's, animals, Caldecott, Nonfiction
Summary: This book is a very interesting ABC book. It is meant for older children because it has a lot of information about endangered animals. There is no story, it just gives off names of endangered animals and at the end of the book it gives more information about each one. The author also gives the scientifical name, the regular name, the class, habitat, range, threats and status. He also makes the letter into that animal.
A-Chinese Alligator
B- Madagascar Tree Boa
C- Naked Characin
D-Blue Duck
E-St. Helena Earwick
F-Andean Flamingo
G-Swan Goose
H-Bushman Hare
I- Crested Ibis
J-Florida Scrub-Jay
K-Keys Short-Winged Conehead Katydid
L-Snow Leopard
M-Prairie Sphinx Moth
N-Black-Spotted Newt
O-Spotted Owl
P-Piping Plover
Q-Spotted-Tail Quoll
R-Black Rhinoceros
S-Oriental White Stork
T-Andean Tapir
U-Bald-Headed Uakari
V-Baluchistan Vole
W-Ethi0pian Wolf
X-Xenopus Gilli (Cape Clawed Frog)
Y-Wild Yak
Z-Gravy's Zebra
Extension Activities:
Since this book is for older students, each student can do a small research project on one endangered animal from the book.