Author- Don Freeman
Title- Corduroy
Illustrater- Don Freeman
Genre- Picture storybook
Format- Softcover
Publisher- The Viking Press
Reading Level- Assisted Elementary
Interest Level- Elementary
Topics- Picture storybook, bears
Reading Level- Assisted Elementary
Interest Level- Elementary
Topics- Picture storybook, bears
Summary- This book is about a bear named Corduroy. He is a stuffed animal who lived in the toy department of a big story. He has been waiting for someone to come along and take him home. One day a little girl stops and tells her mother she wants to buy Corduroy. He had a lost button so he searched all over the store for it. A couple days later the little girl came back and bought the bear. She was so happy and excited. The little girl took Corduroy home and sew on a new button. They became great friends.
Extension Activity- Have the students bring in their stuffed animals from home and share why they are their favorite. You could also take a field trip to build-a-bear and make bears with the class. There are other simple things you could do like painting bears and such.