Title: The Magic Porridge Pot
Author: Harriett Ziefer
Illustrator: Tania Hurt- Newton
Publisher: Puffin
Year Published: 1997
Format: Paperback
Genre: Easy- To- Read
Reading Level: Assisted Reader/ Self-Reader
Reading Interest Level: Pre-School- Early Elementary
Topics: Right vs. Wrong
Summary: Poor Hannah never has enough to eat, and can't believe her luck when she is given a magic porridge pot that supplies her with endless amounts of porridge. But when a greedy boy steals it, is he in for more than he bargained for?
Extension Activity: Since this book deals with sharing and right from wrong; I would have the kids get into small groups and work together to re-enact the book but alter the ending as to what the nice thing would have been. This extension activity will allow the kids to recognize what the right thing to do would have been in this situation.