Author: -Laura Purdie Salas
Title: - Shrinking Days, Frosty Nights: Poems about Fall
Illustrator: - none
Publisher: - Capstone Press
Year: - 2008
Format: - Hard Cover
Genre: - Poetry
Reading Level: - Elementary: Second, Third, Fourth
Interest Level: - Individual
Topics: - Fall, Weather, Halloween, Back to School
Summary: - This book has many short poems about fall. Mostly the poems are about things you would see during this season such as apples, scarecrows, pumpkins, and school buses.
Extension Activities: - One activity is to bring the kids outside in the fall and ask them to write a poem about something they see. You could also ask them what their favorite part about fall is and have them write a poem on that. Something to do as a class is to go outside and play in the leaves, bring them back in to drink warm apple cider, and have every student create a leaf out of construction paper to put up around the room.