Author: P.D. Eastman
Title: Are You My Mother?
Illustrator: P.D. Eastman
Publisher: Random House Inc.
Year: 1960
Genre: Easy to Read
Format: Hard Cover
Reading Level: Early
Interest Level: Preschool- early elementary
Topics: Easy to read words, exciting pictures
Summary: "Are You My Mother?" is an easy to read, beginner book for those who are learning how to read. The greatly illustrated pictures throughout this story book help depict what this book is about. This book is about a little birdie who lost his mother. The bird encounters different animals and machines, questioning them if they are his mother. In the process of finding his mother, he asks everything he meets, "Are you my mother?" This book teaches kids about emotions and characteristics of different animals and machines. At the end the little birdie finds his real mother and is safe and sound in his cozy nest up in a tall tree.
Extension Activity: Have the teacher put on a puppet show for the kids while the kids read the book aloud. This way, they are hearing themselves read while sounding out each word. The kids can take turns reading a page or so and then passing it to a different classmate. The teacher will keep the kids interested and aware of what is going on in the book by playing out the puppet show of this book for the students.